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Bespoke Care and Training are a Council accredited care provider for Ashbourne, Derbyshire. Rated Good with CQC, we deliver high quality care services to clients at home who find it difficult to cope with tasks of daily living such as personal care, meal preparation, medication and moving & positioning themselves.
A family run company, my name is Kelly and I am the Owner Director/Registered Care Manager.
My husband, Steve, is the Training & Development Manager.
Di is the Team Leader, with our amazing care team which consists of : Nicky, Kayley, Janine, Kerry, Lesley, Sue, Carol, Sharon, Abby, Dani, Jo, Jenna, Karen, Emma, Sophie, Katy, Heather, Amy, Charlie, Sharon P and Rowena.
Together, we form a dedicated team that are professional and devoted to our care roles and responsibilities, delivering the high quality care and support that our clients seek and that is also within our ethos.
Bespoke Care and Training’s ethos is to ensure that our client's care, treatment and support promotes a good quality of life. This is based on the principle of providing individuals with the best possible ‘person centred approach support services’ to enable clients to live in their own homes by having well trained, caring, flexible and reliable staff.
We are contracted to provide Domiciliary Home Care Services with Derbyshire County Council and accredited with them.
We also offer care packages to self funding clients who pay for their own care and support
We understand that not one care plan fits all. Daily tasks can include anything from personal care, meal preparation, moving & positioning, medication support and welfare. We will take the time to get to know you and develop an individualised care plan that fits your specific needs.
Trusted relationships are key between our Clients and our Home Care Assistants. We not only strive to help you with everyday tasks but want to develop a caring relationship with you. We provide one-on-one attention and care that cannot compare in other settings.
At Bespoke, staff are passionate about providing exceptional individualised care for our clients. Staff are motivated and encouraged to develop their skills and knowledge. We have an open and supportive culture, which focuses on delivering the best possible service for people. Clients are encouraged to comment on the quality of the service and their feedback is used to develop and enhance the service provided. We work in partnership with health and social care professionals to ensure our care is well organised and exceed their expectations.
We offer high quality ´Person Centred´ support services:
Personal Care
Meal Preparation
Moving and Positioning of People
Medication Support
Delivered by fully trained, experienced Carers that are Caring, Compassionate, Competent, Communicative, Courageous, and Committed to their role.
We have an excellent reputation within the area
We work closely with Social Services and other Health Professionals
We are registered under ICO and GDPR Compliant.
We have excellent knowledge of the Health and Social Care Standards
We have many successful case studies
We are accredited with Derbyshire County Council and rated Good with CQC.
For more information on Care Packages or Training call 01332 653651 or email : or click on the Send Message link below
Ashbourne and surrounding area